About us
Factuz helps you save time and money by facilitating efficient payment management.
If you want to start your own business or already have one, having a tool that enables effective daily management is crucial
When you're drowning in a sea of invoices, paid collections, payment reminders, and those mundane yet necessary tasks, and an Excel spreadsheet is no longer sufficient, it's time to use a system that can assist you with all of this
[I went through that too; I faced all those problems. That's why I created FACTUX, a system that will assist you with all these tasks, so you can have more time to focus on what truly matters for your business, and avoid sinking in the process.]
Factuz is:
- Invoice management, budgeting, credit notes, and up-to-date collections.
- Management of reminders for late payers.
- Easy document delivery to your accountant.
- Quick and timely assistance in your language 24/7/365.
Specifically, what does Factuz offer you?
Unpaid bills
Clients not paying your invoices is a thing of the past, using factuz you can reduce this!
Accounting Documents
Management of all essential documents: budgets, invoices, credit notes, customer lists, collection management, payment/collection reminders, ...
A clear view of your business with statistics that will help you make better decisions for the successful development of your business.
All documents with your business's corporate image, logo, colors, styles, and everything that identifies you and makes you unique.
Unity makes strength.
Give access to other individuals (e.g., an accountant) or businesses to your system, allowing you to grant them permission to view only what you choose, maintaining full control.
Factuz offers an API for seamless integration with other systems if needed, making it easy and secure to share your documents with clients and suppliers.
Why work with us?
If I had 30 days to chop down a tree, I would spend 29 days sharpening my axe.

We provide you with a user-friendly tool in your language for managing your business. It offers a clear view of your evolution over time.
Selling is good, but getting paid is better
A tool that assists you in managing your sales, collections, and dealing with delinquent payers.
Project management
A simple and complete management of expenses and income separated by projects.
24/7 Support
Support that understands your needs
Want us to call you?
If you want a demonstration before making a decision, leave us your phone number and we will call you to make an appointment, either in our offices, yours or via video conference.
If your company is less than a year old,
this may interest you.
Factuz wants to give companies the opportunity to develop by providing them with all their support and experience.
If your company has been in existence for less than 12 months, you can take advantage of this opportunity to have a FREE Invoice.
If FREE, you can have Factuz free for a period of 6 months, after which you are free to stay with us on a paid plan
If you want to apply for the FREE license, contact us
Don't have time to take care of your bills? this may be a solution for you.
When you are independent, time is something that you would like to buy if you could, a day of 100 hours or more It's a shame they don't sell it in the supermarket, but don't lose hope, there's still a way to buy it
Factuz can help you in your daily management of your business: creation of budgets, invoices, credit notes, sending them to your clients, controlling payments and collections, sending reminders (rappels) to bad payers anyway, everything you don't have time to do or don't want to do
Are you interested in this service? contact us
Want us to call you?
If you want a demonstration before making a decision, leave us your phone number and we will call you to make an appointment, either in our offices, yours or via video conference.
Our Clients
The most visited section :)
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Frequent questions
If you don't find an appropriate answer, you can enter our blog.
Can I go from free to paid plan?
Yes, at any time you can change from one plan to another without additional payment
Can you help me create my logo?
Yes, we can also help you with that, it has a symbolic cost
I already have another system, can you help me with the transition to factuz?
Yes, that is a not very complicated task to carry out as long as the system you are currently using allows it, contact us to find out if it is possible
I don't know how to use the system, can you give me training?
Yes, of course, you can see that the system is intuitive, it will take you very little time to get used to it
What language is factuz in?
Factuz is multi-language, you can currently use it in: English, French (Belgium), Dutch (Belgium), Spanish,
Can I use factuz for a company outside Belgium?
Yes, of course there is no problem